Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know that Alaska is about one-third the size of the entire United States? At 665,400 square miles, that’s a lot of delivery area!

Did you know that 90% of the consumer goods for 85% of Alaska arrives through the Port of Alaska?

Span Alaska has been moving freight to, from, and within Alaska for nearly 40 years, so we have heard and answered a lot of Alaska questions.  For the record: No, most Alaskans do not live in igloos. Yes, we do see the sun – during the long days of summer, temperatures can get up to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. And yes, Alaska is the largest state in the Union, having become the 49th State on January 3, 1959.

Here are some other questions we answer frequently:

What are Span’s receiving hours in Auburn, WA?

Receiving Hours:
Mon, Tues & Thurs 4:00 am – 5:00 pm

8 pallets or more requires an appointment by calling 253-886-5178 or emailing

How do I route a shipment through Span Alaska?

Call Span at 1-800-257-7726 and ask for the routing department. We’ll make all of the arrangements, and even email a bill of lading with all of the instructions to you and/or your vendor, so that your shipment moves the most efficient way.

How do I make out the bill of lading?

Consign your freight to:
Consignee name
c/o Span Alaska Transportation
3815 W. Valley Hwy N
Auburn, WA 98001

In the body of the bill of lading, write the final destination information, such as your company name, destination, PO number, etc. Or call Span Alaska at 1-800-257-7726 and we’ll walk you through the process.

What is a Shipment Alert and how do I sign up for this service?

We can automatically fax or e-mail to you a list of every shipment that has sailed. You will receive this list the morning after the ship sails. It’s available at no cost to you and in several different formats. Our customers love this advance notice of shipments, which confirms that their freight has sailed, and tells them when they can expect their freight to arrive. Call your local Span Alaska office or 1-800-257-7726 .

I have freight that comes from all over the country. How do I get it to Span Alaska?

Span Alaska can move your freight from any point in the country. We work with all modes of transportation and have negotiated discounted rates that allow us to offer the best and most economical way of moving your freight into our facility in Auburn, Washington. We can move any size shipment, from boxes to truckloads. Please call us at 1-800-257-7726 or e-mail us at for details.

What if I need KFF (keep from freezing) service?

Span Alaska offers “keep from freezing” service during the winter months as the temperatures drop in Alaska. This is usually from late September through April. KFF freight is loaded into insulated containers designed to keep temperatures at a level that would keep water from freezing. (This is not temperature-controlled service.) If your freight requires KFF service, please make sure to mark the bill of lading as KFF. There is a charge for KFF service.

Does Span handle Freeze and Chill freight?

Yes. We offer Freeze and Chill refrigerated cargo services for perishable and heat sensitive commodities to Anchorage, Fairbanks, Wasilla/Palmer, Kenai, Kodiak and their surrounding communities.

What do I do if I receive a shipment with damage or a shortage?

First, make sure to sign your delivery receipt with notations of damage or shortage. Then call your local Span Alaska office and report it. We’ll investigate a shortage and we’ll inspect any damage. If the situation requires that you file a claim, we’ll help you through the process. Our damage/shortage factor is four times less than the national average. You can find our Damage & Loss forms here.

What points in Alaska do you serve?

Span Alaska can get your freight to any point in Alaska.

How is the Lower 48-to-Alaska fuel surcharge calculated?

Fuel is a major portion of the carrier’s cost of doing business and it is susceptible to fluctuating fuel prices, which are monitored closely to minimize the impact for the shipping public. The fuel surcharges will be shown as a separate entry on the freight bill and will be applied to all freight charges.

What are the packaging requirements for shipping to Alaska?

Packaging requirements for Alaska shipping are the same as required in the National Motor Freight Classification Directory. Remember, “The better the packaging, the better the freight arrives in Alaska.”

What documents are needed to ship to Alaska?

Bill of Lading is sufficient for moving freight with Span Alaska Transportation. Terms can be prepaid, collect, or a combination of both. Please note the terms of payment on the Bill of Lading.